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Montag, 13.01.2020

On December 06, 2019, several DART students participated in the annual event organized by AFRAC – IASB & EFRAG @ AFRAC 2019. The event provided an opportunity to discuss recent accounting developments. As in previous years, CAR's Alfred Wagenhofer, chairman of AFRAC's International Financial Reporting working group, chaired the event. This year's opening session speakers were Ann Tarca (IASB member) and Jean-Paul Gauzes (Board President of EFRAG). The event was organized around two discussion topics. Ann Tarca talked about Primary Financial Statements and IASB's latest technical update. Saskia Slomp (CEO of EFRAG) and Chiara Del Prete (chair of EFRAG-TEG) discussed EFRAG's contribution to sustainable finance.

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